sábado, fevereiro 28, 2009

IBM Saves $320,000 With Second Life Meeting | IBM poupa USD 320.000 com encontro no Second Life

The news posting:


The original case report:

How Meeting In Second Life Transformed IBM’s Technology Elite Into Virtual World Believers



Executive Summary:

A Fifth of the Cost, and No Jetlag

 The IBM’s Academy of Technology has long been on the forefront of emerging

technology research and exploration. In late 2008, the organization held a

Virtual World Conference and then an Annual Meeting, hosted in a secure

Second Life environment with a conference space specially designed by IBM

for keynotes, breakout sessions, a simulated Green Data Center, a library, and

various areas for community gathering. The 200+ participants were offered

pre-conference training on the basics of Second Life to make them comfortable

communicating and navigating within the environment. IBM estimates the ROI

for the Virtual World Conference was roughly $320,000 and that the Annual

Meeting was executed beautifully a one-fifth the cost of a real world event.

Many IBM staff were converted into virtual world advocates, paving the way

for many future internal conferences and events to be held within the space.

quinta-feira, fevereiro 26, 2009

Era para ter sido publicidade | This was supposed to be an advert

Este devia ter sido o primeiro post publicitário, por via do Blogvertise, como expliquei em post anterior. E foi, durante um dia, mas eis o resultado: a Blogvertise disse que o tema me fora atribuído "por engano"... assim, retirei o conteúdo.

This is should have been the first advertisment post, using the Blogvertise service, as I explained in a previous post. And in fact it was for one full day, and here's the result: Blogvertise told me the subject had been address to me in error, so I removed the content of this post.

Uma experiência em publicidade | An experience in advertising

Há algum tempo, experimentei registar este blogue no Blogsvertise. Finalmente veio a aprovação e uma série de pedidos para colocar "posts" pagos neste blogue. Vou fazê-lo para já, mas depois ponderarei se é de manter  ou não.
Some time ago, I tried out registering this blog on Blogsvertise. The approval came recently, and now I have a series of requests to place sponsored "posts" in this blog. I'll do it for now, later I'll ponder whether to keep doing this or not.

segunda-feira, fevereiro 16, 2009

An on-line event with my paticipation | Um evento on-line onde participo


Ponencia y debate

19 de Febrero

21h00 CET (hora Madrid)

Time zone converter

Aprender a enseñar

Utilizando SL Second Life… 

SL como entorno virtual de aprendizaje  


Presentación del tema por

António dos Reis - Instituto The Graal - Lisboa



Xabier Basogain  - Moderador – Profesor de la Universidad de País Vasco.

Amélia Sanz – Vice directora del campus virtual de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (*)

Carlos Castaño Garrido,   - Profesor de la Universidad del País Vasco

Leonel Morgado – Profesor Universidad de Trás-os-Montes

Manuel Benito – Sub Director del campus virtual de la Universidad de País Vasco.

Rita Falcão – Departamento de Multimedia Universidad do Porto (*)

Sixto Cubo – Decano de la Facultad de Ciencias de Educación de Universidad de Extremadura.

(*) Falta confirmación


 Puedes participar de tres maneras:

1) Si estás registrado en SL, entra al   Auditorio UniHispana  (slurl)


2) Si quieres conocer SL tendrás que dar los primeros pasos de la siguiente forma: , 

a) Sigue el video tutorial en Modulo de introducción a SL**;

b) Si quieres profundizar más mira SL Spain:

c) Regístrate en SL y entra al   Auditorio UniHispana

3) Asiste en tu PC en video difusión  Auditorio  virtual The Graal (usa Internet Explorer)**



**Para asistir regístrese y entre en la plataforma moodle: Registo gratuito


 participe activamente en el debate

quarta-feira, fevereiro 11, 2009

A course on virtual world development | Uma disciplina de desenvolvimento em mundos virtuais

Next week, I'll initiate lecturing and hands-on classes of a brand new course, elective, at UTAD (MSc on Computer Science): "Development in Virtual Worlds".
Students will be presented with an overview of the state-of-the-art use of virtual worlds for various applications, bypassing entertainment: education, training, business, management, communication, social activism, self-expression. They will use the Second Life and OpenSimulator platforms for development of individual projects, but will also be exposed to other systems such as Open Croquet and Activeworlds.
Durante a próxima semana vou começar a leccionar aulas teóricas e práticas de uma nova disciplina opcional na UTAD (Mestrado em Informática): "Desenvolvimento em Mundos Virtuais".
Os alunos tomarão contacto com uma visão geral do estado da arte do uso de mundos virtuais para vários fins, mas sem grande atenção aos fins lúdicos: educação, formação profissional, actividades empresariais e de gestão, comunicação, activismo social, expressão pessoal. Vão usar as plataformas Second Life e OpenSimulator para desenvolverem projectos individuais, mas serão também expostos a outros sistemas, como Open Croquet e Activeworlds.