sexta-feira, março 20, 2009
My participation | A minha participação: Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education
quinta-feira, março 19, 2009
terça-feira, março 10, 2009
World Builder | World Builder
segunda-feira, março 09, 2009
Who is Andabata Mandelbrot | Quem é Andabata Mandelbrot
sábado, março 07, 2009
Ending my experience in advertising | Dou por encerrada a experiência com publicidade
SLACTIONS journals - deadline for March 30th
Computer & Graphics (ISSN 0097-8493, SCI)
* Best paper on computer graphics - invitation to submit expanded version.
International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning (ISSN 1753-5255)
* Special issue with expanded versions of selected papers on education.
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research (ISSN 0718–1876)
* Selected papers on e-commerce and e-business.
Journal of Virtual Worlds Research (ISSN 1941-8477)
* Special issue: “The Metaverse Assembled”, with best papers on combination of metaverse platforms with external systems, integration of platforms, GIS/metaverse mash-ups, and using metaverse platforms for cooperation.
VIRTual (ISSN 0873-1837)
* Special issue with expanded versions of selected papers on visualization, interactive systems and pattern recognition.
quarta-feira, março 04, 2009
Terra a perder de vista | Land, as far as the eye can see

Há dois novos sims no Second Life: UTAD e Vita Project. Ficam ali a leste de Utopia Portugal VI, ainda não têm telehubs para teleporte directo (pelo que não aparecem na busca, têm de ir até Utopia Portugal VI e voar para leste).
segunda-feira, março 02, 2009
New paper | Novo artigo: Interconnecting virtual worlds
The argument is put forward that current virtual worlds find themselves in a situation akin to that of BBS systems in the 1980s and 1990s vis-à-vis the Internet. A reflection from the technical viewpoint on the similarities between Web browsing and virtual world navigation is made and to conclude, the paper will offer a set of requirements for interconnection of virtual worlds and what that may achieve.