My participation | A minha participação: Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education

On the upcoming Virtual World - Best Practices in Education conference is nearing, and the program is already available. Yours truly is participating in two sessions: "Portuguese Education in SL Panel - Case: UTAD – Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal", and the panel "Second Life as an Education Virtual Support."
Aproxima-se a conferência Virtual World - Best Practices in Education, estando já disponível o programa. Este vosso amigo vai participar em duas sessões: "Portuguese Education in SL Panel - Case: UTAD – Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal" e no painel "Second Life as an Education Virtual Support".

terça-feira, março 10, 2009

World Builder | World Builder

A fantastic and inspiring video:

Thanks, Cory, for pointing this out!
Um vídeo fantástico e inspirador:

Obrigado, Cory, pela dica!

segunda-feira, março 09, 2009

Who is Andabata Mandelbrot | Quem é Andabata Mandelbrot

Well, let me say it up front - Andabata Mandelbrot is the Second Life avatar of Leonel Morgado, a computer science professor and researcher of the UTAD university in Vila Real, Portugal.

You'll find Andabata employs different avatar shapes and modifications, according to mood and occasion, but that he isn't as versatile as many - in fact, he's usually in his formal attire, as a barefoot elf counsellor:

2008-11-14 Andabata na UTAD_001
Every now and then, this formal attire is replaced by a curduroy jacket look in jeans, for places where a modern-looking persona is needed. So you get a blue-haired, beach-sandals, corduroy-wearing elf. Oh well, that's as "normal" as I like to be, I suppose.
Two other shapes I use for fun: one if a gigantic ancient dragon, seen here while supervising a master student; the other is an hybrid of owl and leopard, to whom I refer as "knowledge with claws".

2008-11-13 Orientação draconiana_0012008-11-14 Mocho leopardo_001

sábado, março 07, 2009

Ending my experience in advertising | Dou por encerrada a experiência com publicidade

Well, that's it. One single attempt at posting an ad (that was recalled due to an error at Blogvertise) and I've realised that they submit more than a request per day! This would wreck this blog, which has an update rate slower than that.
E chega. Só houve uma tentativa de fazer um post que era um anúncio (que foi retirada por me ter sido enviada equivocamente pela Blogvertise), mas já constatei que me enviam mais do que um pedido publicitário por dia! Isto dava cabo do blogue, pois faço menos posts do que isso!

SLACTIONS journals - deadline for March 30th

The SLACTIONS conference is bound to be a remarkable event - one that is made possible by virtual worlds. Researchers from North and South America, Europe, and Asia holding a conference simultaneously - in Second Life. And that same conference is made available via Second Life locations or the Web (with relay of video, audio, and chat) for researchers in all other places.

If you're doing interesting work with virtual worlds - not just Second Life - you now have until March 30th to submit your paper. If you don't have enough budget to attend any physical location (California, Texas, Brazil-São Paulo, Brazil-Rio Grande do Sul, Portugal, Belgium, Finland, Israel, Hong Kong and - yet to be confirmed - Singapore), you only need to register to be able to attend in Second Life locations or via the Web.

Only journal publications count for your carreer? If so, please note that selected papers from SLACTIONS will be invited to submit/publish to the following journals:

Computer & Graphics (ISSN 0097-8493, SCI)
* Best paper on computer graphics - invitation to submit expanded version.

International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning (ISSN 1753-5255)
* Special issue with expanded versions of selected papers on education.

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research (ISSN 0718–1876)
* Selected papers on e-commerce and e-business.

Journal of Virtual Worlds Research (ISSN 1941-8477)
* Special issue: “The Metaverse Assembled”, with best papers on combination of metaverse platforms with external systems, integration of platforms, GIS/metaverse mash-ups, and using metaverse platforms for cooperation.

VIRTual (ISSN 0873-1837)
* Special issue with expanded versions of selected papers on visualization, interactive systems and pattern recognition.

quarta-feira, março 04, 2009

Terra a perder de vista | Land, as far as the eye can see

Há dois novos sims no Second Life: UTAD e Vita Project. Ficam ali a leste de Utopia Portugal VI, ainda não têm telehubs para teleporte directo (pelo que não aparecem na busca, têm de ir até Utopia Portugal VI e voar para leste).

Vão ser usados para o Projecto VITA - um projecto sobre o qual falarei mais em breve.

NOTA: o título deste post foi inspirado neste livro excelente.
There are two new sims in Second Life: UTAD and Vita Project. They're right there, East of Utopia Portugal VI, still without direct telehubs (so they don't show up in search just yet, you must go to Utopia Portugal VI and fly eastward).

They'll be used for the VITA Project - a project about which I'll say more, soon.

NOTE: the title of this post was inspired by this excellent book.

segunda-feira, março 02, 2009

New paper | Novo artigo: Interconnecting virtual worlds


Morgado, Leonel (2009). Interconnecting virtual worldsJournal of Virtual Worlds Research, 3 (1), 4-7.

The argument is put forward that current virtual worlds find themselves in a situation akin to that of BBS systems in the 1980s and 1990s vis-à-vis the Internet. A reflection from the technical viewpoint on the similarities between Web browsing and virtual world navigation is made and to conclude, the paper will offer a set of requirements for interconnection of virtual worlds and what that may achieve.