quarta-feira, dezembro 31, 2008

Let’s put e-democracy to a test!

As Gwyn did the favour of putting into post form:

Barack Obama’s change.org website is accepting requests for ideas and projects to be implemented during his term. Knowing that he’s all for technological innovation, and that several successful experiments with e-democracy were done inside Second Life??, let’s try to push for even more. Andabata Mandelbrot is proposing that we vote to create an international metaverse - the Internet equivalent of virtual worlds.

To get this implemented, we need 400 votes! And the deadline is… today at midnight, so we need to hurry…

Voting is simple, you just need to create an account on the change.org account and vote (you can even log in with your Facebook or MySpace account) by clicking on the icon. If you’re willing to promote this idea, you can, of course, do more - add widgets, push it to your social network, and so on. With a surprisingly open-minded approach, voting is not limited to US residents, but it’s totally open to international voters too. The change is for America, but its impact will be global. A nice touch!

Why should President-Elect Obama listen to this proposal? Well, we know that he has appointed two Second Life Innovators to his “Innovation Agenda” group. And his virtual presence in SL was serious, well-planned, and part of his campaign. He’s no stranger to using virtual worlds as a political - but also democratic - platform. So he might very well take notice of this proposal, specially if he can see the support it gathers.

It’s up to us to put democracy in practice - with the vote :)

Vote now and get your friends in SL to do the same!

quinta-feira, dezembro 04, 2008

Tenho uma Wii!

Belo presente recebi hoje: uma Wii!
Já deu para estar a esticar os músculos, a jogar bólingue e ténis com toda a família. Assim sim!
E claro, depois da criançada deitada... cá estou bem dorido após mais jogos de ténis, boxe, basebol e golfe... Isto é que é contrariar o sedentarismo!

Amanhã será que consigo arranjar uns minutos para conhecer o Bee Movie? Acho difícil, mas quem sabe...

terça-feira, dezembro 02, 2008

SL com peso na Administração Obama

Parece que o SL vai ter “insiders” de peso no novo governo norte-americano:


The AccoLade: banda de hard-rock/metal de raparigas da Arábia Saudita, Jedá

Pois é... A música faz destas coisas.
Um grupo de raparigas da Arábia Saudita, da cidade de Jidá, que segundo parece é mais "liberal" do que Riade ou outras (sabe-se lá o que será "liberal" na Arábia Saudita: Jidá é perto de Meca...), atreveu-se a andar a ensaiar e compor música hard-rock/metal.

Tem um toquezinho a Evanescence e outras bandas de há poucos anos, mas nada mau.

A página do MySpace parece ter ido abaixo agora mesmo... Demasiadas visitas apenas, espero.
